Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weekly Round Up

Here’s a quick update on what’s new in our house.  So many fun nuggets of info to share!  I’m going to try to do a weekly update every week, if for no reason other than it will one day serve as an electronic baby book for me.  I’d also like to share links on my favorite things/articles/etc but for now I’ll start here.

Lucy.  Lucy received 20 crafty birthday gifts and wants to do every single of one of them today.  Right now, at the same time.  She has been very helpful with the babies lately and loves to cuddle on the couch with them.   

Molly.  Molly is keeping us all entertained with her magic imaginary headphones.  She carefully puts them on her head and jams out to whatever type of music she has selected.  She likes us to guess the station based on her dance moves.  This has proved to be a very fun game.

Emily.  Emily is having a hard time deciding what to give up for Lent.  Yes, it’s the middle of Lent.  First she gave up Cheez-Its, but when Seth brought a box into the house, she decided maybe she should give up macaroni and cheese until I made mac n cheese, and then she moved on to something else.  Her most recent suggestion is to give up sleep.  I quickly vetoed that.

Libby.  Libby, my happy, silly girl is working on perfecting her stink eye.  At this point I think it’s pretty perfect.  She also loves “reading” her board books, especially the Elmo ones.  Ruby is generally her partner in crime, and they love to play/fight a lot.

Abby.  Oh sweet Abby.  Abby has learned how to climb onto the top bunk.  She’s a climber like none other I’ve ever had.  Which is fascinating because she does not like to walk.  I assume that at some point soon she’ll decide that walking is easier than crawling, and at that point she’ll probably stand up and run away fast.  She’s also learned how to bite.  Hard.  She bit me so hard the other day that she burst into tears when I started yelling in pain.

Ruby.  Ruby frequently walks around shouting “Mama! Mama! Mama!,” which would be sweet if she were referring to me, but she is not; she now uses that term to mean—give me, I want.  Yes, my name has become synonymous with “help me, give me, I want.”  Sounds about right?  Ruby has a good sense of humor and the most infectious laugh.  It is fun to play peek a boo with her and hear her belly laugh.     

Seth.  Seth survived a week off with us this week.  It was fun for him until it wasn’t, and now he is ready to head back to work tomorrow. 

Me.  I’m 38 today!  How am I middle aged?  I thought I’d feel more grown up by now, but I guess that’s one of the secrets of adulthood—you never really feel like a grownup even though you are.  I went to the spa on Friday and it was everything I dreamed it would be—quiet, dark, and solitary!  Finally, on a funny note, I almost had a heart attack when I thought there was baby pinned underneath the couch cushions but it turns out it was just a baby doll.  Whew.  

So that’s what’s new here.  I hope all of you are having a fabulous week!   

And here's my favorite photo of the week.  New hand-me-down shirts from fellow GGG triplet mom Georgia.  So frilly and fun.  The babies are loving standing on the chairs.  It's only a matter of time before one of them falls off!

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